Treatments & Diagnosis
Gastric Expertise
We offer a range of diagnostic tests and treatment options for all aspects of your digestive health, to cancer screening.

An effective way of diagnosing bowel conditions or removing polyps. You could be referred for a colonoscopy if you've had blood in your stool or noticed any changes in your bowel habits. It's an effective diagnostic procedure that allows our consultant to examine your bowel in detail. You might have a colonoscopy as part of a biopsy or for removing polyps.
You'll be offered a sedative injection to help you relax. Your consultant will ask you to lie on your left side. When you're ready, they'll pass a flexible tube with a camera on one end (endoscope) carefully through your anus to your bowel. They'll examine the images from the camera as it moves through your body. To help your consultant see your bowel more clearly, a small amount of air will be pumped through the tube to your bowel. If they notice any problems, they can take a tissue sample or remove polyps by passing another instrument through the endoscope. -
If your consultant wants to examine your upper digestive system they might suggest a gastroscopy. This procedure lets your consultant look inside this part of your body using a tiny, flexible camera called an endoscope. It's usually a quick procedure that takes around 10 minutes.
Your consultant might offer you a sedative to help you relax. When you're sitting back comfortably your consultant will place a flexible telescope (an endoscope) into the back of your throat and down into your stomach. From there, the endoscope passes down into your small intestine (duodenum). You might feel some discomfort but you shouldn't feel any pain. Using the images taken by the endoscope that appear on screen your consultant will look for problems such as inflammation or ulcers. If they need to take a biopsy, they may do it at the same time. They'll also use the endoscope to take photographs that can help them make any diagnosis. -
A procedure to look inside your rectim and lower colon. An endoscopic investigation that's used to help diagnose colorectal and bowel conditions.
If you've noticed changes in your bowel habits, or if you've experienced rectal bleeding you may be referred by your GP or consultant for a flexible sigmoidoscopy. This procedure is where a fiberoptic tube, called a colonscope, is gently guided through your body to evaluate the lower part of the large intestine (colon).
The fiberoptic tube contains a lens or camera that is flexible and that allows your consultant to move through and view the inside of your intestine. Your consultant will be able to see the video feed of your bowel, and look for any problems in the lining of your bowel. A sigmoidoscopy cannot detect cancer, it allows the consultant to investigate your bowel. -
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) is a procedure during which a small flexible endoscope is introduced through the mouth (or, with smaller-caliber endoscopes, through the nose) and advanced through the pharynx, esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. An enteroscope, a longer endoscope, can be introduced beyond the ligament of Treitz into the jejunum.
EGD is used for both diagnostic procedures and therapeutic procedures. Most modern endoscopes now use a video chip (charged coupled device) for better imaging, as opposed to the older endoscopes, in which fiber optics are used for image transmission
How Can Kent Gastro Services Help?
Whether your gastrointestinal symptoms started recently or are long-standing, our specialist can help diagnose and manage your condition. Please contact us to arrange a consultation with one of our specialist. A consultation with a specialist to discuss the necessary diagnostic tests is the first step.

Ready For Consultation?
We offer specialist advice for a wide range of gastrointestinal conditions.